Penthauze presents the video for Phyno‘s recently released collaboration titled “Iwa” featuring Triple MG singer/producer, Tekno. The single was produced by Tspize and video directed by...
Penthauze presents another smashing song by Phyno featuring Tekno. The new song is tagged ‘Iwa‘ and it was produced by Tspize. Eastern rapper Phyno teams up with Jogodo crooner Tekno on this jam ‘Iwa’, this isn’t...
Phyno’s most recent single ’Fuwa Sewa’ rekindled an appreciation for traditional hip hop amongst fans of the genre, and occasional indulgers alike. Now, the single’s video is...
Phyno – Fuwa Sewa Phyno – Fuwa Sewa Nwanne Fuwa! Indigenous Rap heavyweight, Phyno unleashes a fierce new anthem for the streets titled “Fuwa Sewa“. The IamBeat-produced cut will get...
Revered rapper Phyno makes it to the far West to prep up a new video for his groovy song “N.W.A”. The Penthauze front man was unveiled...