Anambra State

As a people yearning for qualitative, focused and result-oriented representation in the next political dispensation, we must deliberately and consciously go for a man with proven integrity and track record of excellence.
We are again at that time where our decisions today will determine where we’ll be development-wise in the next four years and beyond. This is a time we must carefully, dispassionately and diligently assess those seeking to represent us in various offices in 2023. It’s a time to say no to cheap ephemeral gains for greater gains.
The race for the next House of Assembly seat for Orumba South Anambra State is gathering pace with many already indicating interest for the job. It is the exclusive right of those eying the seat to throw their hats in the ring, but it is our place to critically examine them, their antecedents, blueprints and plans for the people of this Constituency before giving them our collective mandates.
We must tread cautiously in order not to fall into a trap that glitters, looks alluring, but will ultimately bring nothing but doom and backwardness to a people that have once borne the pangs of ineffective representation with costly equanimity. This is the time to right our wrong choices of the past by going for a man with the midas touch that will bring widespread development to the Orumba South local government.

The man that will steer the ship of Parliament effectively for the people of Orumba South State Constituency is someone whose antecedents, capacity and tenacity is an open book. He is a man that needs little or no introduction in the politics of the state and otherwise . Dr Chibuike Echem is the man we have been waiting for. He is the icing on our cake, the bridge builder we’ve been yearning for, the solution to our years of pain and penury. He’s the one poised to throw to the waste bin of negative history, our lamentation and plant on our faces, unending celebration.
Dr Chibuike Echem the man most desired.
** Chibuike Campaign Organisation