Play Network Studios unveiled the comedian and reality star as cast of the upcoming ‘Nneka the Pretty Serpent’ remake. Ace comedian and actor, Bovi will star...
The Desmond Ovbiagele directed feature film will reportedly screen for two weeks in a selected cinema in Nigeria. An official theatrical release date has been confirmed...
The full trailer for the 14th Inkblot Productions movie titled “Quam’s Money” is out! The sequel to 2018’s “New Money“, “Quam’s Money” tells the story of...
Billionaire daughter and fashion blogger, Temi Otedola has shared her experience while on set of the recently released movie, “citation”. Temi who made her acting debut...
No Time To Die star Lashana Lynch has confirmed her character is replacing James Bond as 007. The actress, who plays MI6 agent Nomi in the forthcoming Bond film,...