Yemi Alade's festive single, "Merry Christmas O!", is a joyful celebration of the holiday spirit. Released for the season, the song emphasizes themes of giving and...
Award-winning singer and songwriter, Yemi Alade, has finally unveiled her sixth studio album, “Rebel Queen”. The 16-track album features an impressive lineup of international collaborations, including...
Ahead of the release of her highly anticipated sixth studio album, Nigerian music sensation Yemi Alade has given fans a sneak peek of what’s to come...
The music video for Yemi Alade’s latest song “Tomorrow” is out. The song is an up-tempo track that celebrates the preciousness of a new day and a reminder...
Super Talented Nigerian singer Yemi Alade was the center of attraction at the opening ceremony of the Africa Cup of Nations 2023 (AFCON) as she took...