Fresh off the release of “SAMBELE,” Olisae and Slowdog bring their collaboration to life in the video. The collaboration with Igbo speaking Nigerian legendary rapper Slowdog came after...
Olisae is an artist whose versatility allows him to be a new and expansive representative for Nigeria’s Afrobeats lineup of stars. Having returned to the music scene...
Nextup rated rapper/ poet from the East; “KOLABOY” gains assistance from legendary; “SLOWDOG” one of the pioneers of indigenous “Igbo Rap” a Nigerian style of hip hop music that...
Indigenous rapper Slowdog comes through with a brand new single titled “Alumaco” featuring fellow Nigerian rapper, Ice Prince Zamani and Deejay J Masta. The track was produced by Soularge. Listen and Enjoy!...
Indigenous Nigerian rapper, Slowdog resurfaces with another brand new effort titled “NJO“. On this track, he joins forces with fellow rapper, Zoro and Penthauze disc jockey, Deejay J Masta. The track...