Indigenous Nigerian rapper, Zoro, who has been reasonably consistent in 2018 comes through with another brand new single titled “Halleluyah“. This follows the successful release of his...
Sensational Nigerian singer, J Martins ushers us into the Friday mood proper with the release of a brand new smash single titled “Ogologo Ndu“. As expected, the singer...
This is definitely the year of the “Duncan Mighty” guys!. With controversial arguments ensuing on social media about how Wizkid served as a catalyst to Duncan...
Phyno – Fuwa Sewa Phyno – Fuwa Sewa Nwanne Fuwa! Indigenous Rap heavyweight, Phyno unleashes a fierce new anthem for the streets titled “Fuwa Sewa“. The IamBeat-produced cut will get...
Five Star Music lead act, Kcee resurfaces with another potential banger titled “Boo”. He teams up with Triple MG’s serial hit maker, Tekno on this well...