Big Brother Naija reality show star, Terseer Waya, popularly known as Kiddwaya, has sparked relationship rumours with colleague Cynthia Nwadiora, aka CeeC. Kidd jetted into Nigeria...
Terseer Kiddwaya,was evicted from the Big Brother Naija All Stars house tonight, 20th August. Kiddwaya and Tolani secured the lowest number of votes and Kiddwaya was...
Big Brother Naija star, Kaisha has debunked claim of kissing Kiddwaya by sharing a full video of what transpired between them at co-reality show star Praise’s...
Susan Waya, showed up for Erica Nlewedim at her Abuja Meet-and-Greet, where she declared her support and love for the actress. Recall that Erica and Kiddwaya...
Davido has replied to the tweet of former Big Brother Naija Housemate Kiddwaya after he reacted to his new track FEM. Social media was agog last...