A devastating fire incident has occurred in Ibadan, claiming the lives of a husband, wife, and their grandson. This tragedy comes on the heels of a...
Ibadan, Oyo State – A tragic fire incident occurred at a Christ Apostolic Church parish in Ibadan, Oyo State, on Friday night, trapping several worshippers inside....
There was a commotion on Monday afternoon at Ire Akari Estate Area of Soka, Ibadan, Oyo State as a furniture shop was gutted by fire. The...
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) disclosed that an explosion in the Bodija area of Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State, on Tuesday night was caused...
A section of the popular Agbeni market in Ibadan Oyo State was in the early hours of sunday gutted by fire. The market is one of...