Open Letter to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the Leader of IPOB and All Nigerian Security Agencies

NDI-IGBO UNITED FORUM (NUF) Worldwide is a registered sociopolitical organization committed to overall Igbo Unity, Interest and Welfare, the Parent body of Ndi Igbo United Forum Youth Wing. This letter falls under our Welfare agenda and it’s within our mandate to diplomatically and aggressively stop the constant, manipulative, unnecessary exposures and unwarranted killing of Igbo youths.
It has come to our knowledge that the activities of IPOB in Nigeria has affected the Igbo Nation in all its ramifications in the society especially the accumulated lost of about 10,000 vibrant youths based on our investigation and Intelligence report.
The unabated brainwashing of informed youths by promoters of IPOB coupled with joblessness has further compounded the precariousness of the situation which has rendered our Youth gullible. Further to the above, we earnestly call on Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to stop his forceful Biafra agitation for the safety of our youths in Nigeria. By birth NDIGBO are Biafrans just like Yoruba are Oduduwas and Hausa are Arewas. The Igbo Youths should not be used as sacrificial lamb on the altar of actualisation of Biafra republic because today and tomorrow belongs to the youth.
Video: Bloodbath in Enugu as Police open fire on IPOB members
Yes, we know that the Igbo Nation is being humiliated, marginalized and denied some basic rights in Nigeria but forceful acts of agitation cannot achieve it rather dialogue is the best approach towards achieving the interest of Ndigbo.
NUF Youth hereby ask Nnamdi Kanu, why he should be overseas and be talking about realisation of Biafra Republic? The energy being expended on the struggle for now should be transferred to strategic defence of Igboland especially in the wake of recent announcement by Miyette Allah to impose her Vigilante on every part of Nigeria including Ala Igbo and realisation of Nigerian President of Igbo extraction come 2023.
Four shot as police, IPOB, MASSOB clash in Imo
The ugly incident that took place in Emene, Enugu State a fortnight ago is a bad omen and it’s a threat to the peaceful coexistence archived by administration of HE RT. Hon Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi the executive governor of Enugu state as Enugu is the capital of Igbo nation.
While the gathering of IPOB members after her proscription was wrong we outrightly condemn in strongest terms the slaughtering of our unarmed youths by a combined team of Nigeria Security Agents in unlawful manner. Arrest of the suspects and commensurate dispensation of justice would have sufficed. We do not wish to witness a repeat of such targeted and unprofessional operations going forward.
A reoccurrence of such aimless bloodletting will see us explore tough options aimed at seeking local and global redress and at the same time ensure that never again shall the blood of our youths be spilled carelessly in Igbo soil.
Consequent upon the above, Ndi Igbo United Forum Youth Wing humbly advise all Igbo youths to desist from joining in the forceful agitation headed by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu because it will bring more pains,anguish,sorrow and harm to our people.
NDI-IGBO United forum worldwide is ready and willing to be at the forefront along side other registered interest group to protect and champion Igbo accros divides in peace using all lawful means. When we are all slaughtered, who will occupy the land? Who will protect our aged mothers, fathers, wives, sisters, daughters and little children?
We sue for peace much as we are no cowards because we have the resilient Igbo blood in us.
Mazi Nnaemeka Akachukwu
(General Ikpongo)
National youth leader