We are driven by a vision to lift our people to a development pedestal that will make them independent, confident and self-reliant. Our idea is that government can play its catalytic role of rousing a people from inertia and imbuing them with the energy and gravitas to rediscover themselves, their destiny and their mission in life, thereby elevating them to a consciousness where they can rise up and take their future into their own hands.
Our mission in governance will be to make government work for the people in a secure atmosphere where the government will become the true servant of the people. In other words, we want to return power to the people by making them the true drivers of change,
schooled in the art of using the levers of government to engineer a redemptive social transformation.
Government has, over the years, usurped the place of the people as the true owners of the power inherent in the structures of governance. This usurpation has impoverished the people and virtually incapacitated them from deploying their God-given talents and
resources to better their lives and the society at large.
Our people are energetic, very talented and hard working. They are willing to deploy their energy and talent in productive ventures that will better their lives and the society at large.
Government, under us, shall return to its proper role of serving the people as a vehicle to deploy societal resources for the good of the people.
Government shall only provide the enabling environment, policy and infrastructural backbone necessary for the Government and the private sector, working together where necessary, under public private partnership, to unlock the key sectors of the economy that will usher in the desired development that will positively impact the lives of the people.
The positive change shall be permanent and will be people driven without hindrance. Our ultimate goal will be to attract private sector investments into our State. This will create surplus well-paying jobs for our teaming youths, empower our people economically, make Enugu State the hub of talented and skilled workers, and eradicate poverty in the state.