On the heels of Africa Day celebrations, The Gambia has just seen the launch of its first ever animation series for children through Fye Network. Based on the characters in...
DEPRAVED is an interesting and contemporary short series movie produced by one of the finest and popular South East MC/Comedian, Igwe De MC. The movie was...
Model and artist Alton Mason shares his new coming-of-age short film “Rise In Light,” in collaboration with Melanin Unscripted. The stunning visuals were shot in Lagos as an introduction...
The official trailer for Netflix anticipated series ‘Blood and Water’ is out. The movie is coming to the streaming platform May 20, 2020. Ama Qamata stars...
The official trailer for Michelle Obama‘s documentary film Netflix “Becoming” is here. Becoming is an intimate look into the life of former First Lady Michelle Obama during...