Anambra State
2023: ORUMBA REBIRTH GROUP (ORG) Inaugurated In Anambra

Orumba Rebirth Group (ORG) an interest group with the primary political interest of Orumba North & South has launched in Anambra State.
The group which has it presence in the 37 wards of Orumba North and South in Anambra state promises to engage political system in the area to the benefit of the Peoples.
Also the groups duty is mostly to engage the younger generation and women on voter education, proper sensitization, public awareness on representation, good governance and massive grassroot mobilisation of all eligible voters in this two local governments.

Speaking at the inauguration, the Convener of the group Dr Chibuike Echem, pslc said that the development of a nation,state,community or society is deeply rooted in the moral values and personal transformation of her elected leaders.
“The development of a nation,state,community or society is deeply rooted in the moral values and personal transformation of her elected leaders.”
Over the years,our constituency have continuously faced same backwardness, same corrupt people, same cluelessness. These has been as a result of poor representation by the same people we casted our votes for.But due to one reason or the other,they have disappointed us by compromising the promises they made to us pledging their loyalty and hardwork towards ensuring our welfare.
Dr. Echem, who is a Leadership Development Consultant, a Youth Activist, a Talent Development Expert, an Entrepreneur and an alumni of National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), after observing the political system and massive corruption in disguise in Orumba founded ORG to help checkmate the representatives in the area.
“There comes a time in the life of a generation that they stop and question what is going on, there comes a time when boys grow up to become men who are able to take responsibilities.”

“A time comes in a man’s life that he no longer live for just what he can benefit, but for what can benefit his people and children unborn.“
“Such time is here for us in Orumba, what we do with this opportunity is completely up to us. It’s time to look our politicians directly in their faces and ask them questions, it’s time for us to decide and determine our destination completely by ourselves.“
“The young people of Orumba we must be united beyond political parties, united beyond religious believes, united beyond personal and selfish interest, but united for the common interest and benefit of Orumba.”
“Orumba Rebirth is a movement and not just a platform, it’s a massive movement of audacity, it’s a massive movement of truth and honesty to the development and interest of Orumba. Let’s join hands to drive this movement and set Orumba apart from other local governments in Nigeria at learge.

Ndi b’anyi, it is said that a mistake made twice is no longer termed a mistake but a purposeful act, it’s time to say no, election shouldn’t be by highest bidder..We’re here for a greater Orumba.”
In our hands lie the the key to a better and greater Orumba. we have the power to give to whomever we choose. So let’s act accordingly.